A project to improve outcomes for Economic Immigration to New Brunswick

New Brunswick is currently facing the double threat of an aging and shrinking population, which has led to a significant shortage of skilled workers in our province. There are over 3,200 unfilled jobs listed on NBjobs.ca and by 2032, there will be one retiree for every person earning income in New Brunswick. This imbalance not only puts a significant strain on our social services, but inhibits the potential for New Brunswick businesses to grow and compete in national and global economies.
The Lab is currently working to answer the following questions:
How might we help the NB IT Industry in leveraging international recruitment to fulfill their unmet talent needs?
How might we help small businesses (50 employees and under) use immigration as a recruitment strategy to fulfill their unmet needs for high skilled employees?
How might we help employers in rural communities recruit and retain talent?
How might we help international students graduating in NB find meaningful work?


Social labs start by bringing together diverse stakeholders to work in a team that acts collectively.

The ideas and initiatives developed in social labs go beyond dealing with just the symptoms of an issue, but instead address the root causes of why things aren’t working.

The lab team takes an iterative approach to the challenges it wants to address—prototyping and testing interventions, incorporating feedback, and managing a portfolio of promising solutions.
Leadership Council

Pond-Deshpande Centre/NBSPRN
University of New Brunswick
Renaissance College-Carriage House Building
811 Charlotte Street, Fredericton, NB
E3B 1M7
innovate@noulab.org | Tel: (506) 451-6826